COST Brighton Soundscape Workshop 2012

COST Brighton Workshop -

Sounding Brighton - Exploring practical methods for assessing and improving soundscapes

Date and time:

18-19 June 2012


Brighton Town Hall, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JA, UK


A meeting of the COST Network will take place on 18 & 19 June 2012 at Brighton Town Hall, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JA. The workshop will explore using sound as a 'resource' rather than avoiding noise as 'waste' and will be orientated towards practical methods for assessing and improving soundscapes. Spaces are limited and entry is strictly by invitation only. All attendees *must* register beforehand for security reasons; and confirmation of availability will be sent by return. The meeting is very kindly hosted by COST Action TD0804, Brighton and Hove City Council and the Noise Abatement Society.

The workshop will facilitate exchange and outreach between international soundscape experts involved in the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) network, the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) Working Group 54 on Soundscapes, EUROCITIES Working Group Noise, policy makers, local people and organisations. The Workshop's primary focus is on soundscape issues related to health, quality of life and restorative functions of the environment. The event provides the opportunity to raise awareness and promote communication on soundscapes among the general public, stakeholders and those involved in policy, including encouraging exploration of new ways of listening in and to local soundscapes, and new ways of tackling noise and improving local soundscape quality.

The workshop provides opportunities to discuss how soundscape concepts might, alongside tackling conventional noise problems, contribute to planning and environmental improvement in a range of areas, locally as well as in other cities.

Workshop Agenda

For workshop presentations:

Workshop Presentations (Members Only)

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